Jan 25Liked by Joseph C Simmons

Happy birthday!! Don't let Julia Hubbel hear you talking shit about being old...she'll come in here and slap you with a flip-flop 😂😂

If you don't know who she is, she writes "Too Old For This Shi*t"

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What gets me is it's been two solid decades since my mentality and my age matched. I am in no way 53 on the inside. I'm barely 35. Heck, I'm not sure I'm THAT mature. I taught my daughters the word "butthole" and laugh when they use it.

I'm not sure I'll ever grow up.

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Jan 25Liked by Joseph C Simmons

Lol that's friggin awesome about your daughters 😂😂 Growing up is overrated!

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Jan 26Liked by Joseph C Simmons

This cracked me up. Along these lines, I recently discovered that Carrol O'Connor was younger than I am now when he was playing Archie Bunker. I then took to my bed for a week.

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Sorry for the (very) delayed response. I've been gone for a hot minute. And yeah, Google something like "What fifty-years-old used to look like". It's insane. Brad Pitt is 60 now! In the 80s, being sixty meant you starred in "Cocoon". Today you can be a fighter pilot dating Jennifer Connelly.

I better buy some good moisturizer.

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